Artists|SUI Jianguo, LI chen, CHEN Wenling, YU Fan, FENG Zhengjie, YANG Qian, ZHONG Biao, YIN Zhaoyang, CAO Jingping, HUA Qing, LI Jikai, FANG Yixiu, GAO Yu, and LIAO Yua
Venue|Doosan Art Center
he exhibition titled “A Truth beyond the Real – The Exploration and Reinterpretation of Perception by fourteen Chinese Artists”, presents an introspection into the societal façade, unveiling its intrinsic core buried beneath the surface impression. In recent China, the factors of rapid economic growth, massive urbanization, technological universalization, rising consumerism, and trending globalization have facilitated the immense transmission of information, precipitating unprecedented pressures onto its civilians. With their belief system and living pattern being confronted with invading values, the society begins to question the truth of matters behind their immediate appearance.
Exhibiting artists include SUI Jianguo, LI chen, CHEN Wenling, YU Fan, FENG Zhengjie, YANG Qian, ZHONG Biao, YIN Zhaoyang, CAO Jingping, HUA Qing, LI Jikai, FANG Yixiu, GAO Yu, and LIAO Yuan, all are prominent contemporary artists from China and Taiwan. They aim to investigate into their living and surrounding experiences, uncovering the truth hidden deep inside their coatings, to realize a universal understanding of life itself. With the artists’ birth dates ranging from the 1950s to 1980s, they each provide a unique insight into their social and cultural context.