Alejandro Acosta (1991-), Giorgio Ermes Celin (1986-), CHUANG Che (1934-), Charlotte Keates (1990-), Chiharu SHIOTA (1972-), DONG Shawhwei (1962-), Florence Hutchings (1996-), Teiji HAYAMA (1975-), JU Ming (1938-), Katarina Janečková Walshe (1988-), LI Chen (1963-), Kayla Mattes (1989-), Etan Pavavalung (1963-), Rex Southwick (1997-), Joseph Olisaemeka Wilson (1999-), YAMAGUCHI Meguru (1984-), YANG Chihung (1947-), Etienne Zack (1976-)
SVIP Preview
Oct. 20, 2022 (Thu) 12:00–21:00
VIP Preview
Oct. 20, 2022 (Thu) 15:00–21:00
Oct. 21, 2022 (Fri) 11:00–14:00
Public Opening
Oct. 21, 2022 (Fri) 14:00–19:00
Oct. 22, 2022 (Sat) 11:00–19:00
Oct. 23, 2022 (Sun) 11:00–19:00
Oct. 24, 2022 (Mon) 11:00–18:00
At Art Taipei 2022, Asia Art Center presents a curated exhibition with at least two sections that includes works from nine artists in the booth. The first section with CHUANG Che (1934- ), DONG Shawhwei (1962- ), JU Ming (1938- ), LI Chen (1963- ) and YANG Chihung (1947- ) will represent the theme of the “Spirit of the East” that we have been promoting for 40 years.
Remarkably, Asia Art Center curates a sector to present Ju Ming’s Taichi Series – Taichi Arch of stone sculptures. Since 2000, Taichi Series – Taichi Arch is recognized to be the most brilliant concluding chapter of Ju’s Taichi Series. Therefore, although the arch inherits the traits of pushing hands from the Taichi stance, it actually demonstrates more abstraction and dynamics than practicing Taichi. The rigid yet soft lines, the geometrical surface that equally displays the refined and rugged, and the symmetrical but unbalanced forms – together, these elements build a substantial, ethereal sphere.
Meanwhile, Li Chen’s art work aspires to a spiritual arts therapy, uncovering a wealth of joy amidst the life’s simple pleasures, innovating a spiritual space through humorous metaphors of worldly affairs. Being a member of the “Fifth Moon Group”, CHUANG Che has devoted much time to the study of painting, accumulating vast knowledge concerning its theories and those of abstraction. With the sense of nihilism that gave rise to abstract expressionism in the post-war period, artists no longer clamored to depict the external environment, but rather chose to focus on their own inner experience. YANG Chihung embraced this spirit about the early 1990s when his style turned abstract. In recent years, the artist’s paintings have become even more freehanded as he explores the depth of the mind through automatic writing-like process, voicing his feelings and fantasies. In addition, DONG Shawhwei’s series “Courtyard Image” of abstract paintings is the re-envisioning of the artist’s own courtyard. Through further extractions, omission and simplification in its stylized forms, the image was eventually deconstructed into symbolic abstract elements or points, lines, and planes.
We will parallelly present a section of international artists. In recent years, we have successfully entered the international art scene and have reached a fruitful result from presenting international emerging artists. We are pleased to present a group of outstanding artists, including Alejandro Acosta (1991-), Giorgio Ermes Celin (1986-), Charlotte Keates (1990-), Chiharu SHIOTA (1972-), Florence Hutchings (1996-), Teiji HAYAMA (1975-), Katarina Janečková Walshe (1988-), Kayla Mattes (1989-), Rex Southwick (1997-), Joseph Olisaemeka Wilson (1999-), YAMAGUCHI Meguru (1984-), Etienne Zack (1976-), and Taiwan indigenous artist Etan Pavavalung (1963- ).
As Asia Art Center celebrates the milestone of its 40th anniversary in 2022, how to represent zeitgeist by art is always a core subject for us. Hopefully through presenting this year’s programs, including the show at Art Taipei 2022, we will convey the prospects of Asia Art Center.