TOKYO GENDAI 2023: Booth C02

PACIFICO Yokohama 1-1-1, Minatomirai, Nishiku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-0012, Japan パシフィコ横浜とは 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1, 7 - 9 July 2023 


Seth Armstrong, Michelle Blade, Claire Colette, DONG Shaw-hwei, Howard Fonda, Florence Hutchings, JU Ming, Charlotte Keates, LI Chen, Takesada MATSUTANI, Atsuko TANAKA, Meguru YAMAGUCHI


VIP Preview

Thurs 6 July 14.00-17.00



Thurs 6 July 17.00-20.00


Public Access

Fri 7 July 11.00-19.00

Sat 8 July 11.00-19.00

Sun 9 July 11.00-17.00


Asia Art Center is delighted to announce its participation in the inaugural edition of Tokyo Gendai. In the main Galleries sector, the gallery presents works by master sculptors Ju Ming (1938-2023) and Li Chen (1963-) from Taiwan as well as paintings by artists from across the globe including Taiwanese painter Dong Shaw-hwei (1962-); Seth Armstrong (1983-), Michelle Blade (1981-), Claire Colette (1980-) and Howard Fonda (1974-) from the US; Florence Hutchings (1996-) and Charlotte Keates (1990-) from the UK; Takesada Matsutani (1937-) and Atsuko Tanaka (1932-2005) from Japan and New-York based Japanese artist Meguru Yamaguchi (1984-).


Through minimal and sophisticated lines, the sculptures of Ju Ming and Li Chen not only depict the artists’ observations of the living world from a philosophical perspective that is relatable to the viewer but also aspire to a therapeutic spirituality and provide a sense of escapism for those who wish to take a break from the mundane world.


Seth Armstrong, Michelle Blade, Dong Shaw-hwei, Howard Fonda, Florence Hutchings and Charlotte Keates share a mutual interest in places of their residence; whilst artist and poet Claire Colette seeks for philosophical enlightenment through nature. Through extensive visual vocabulary and narrative compositions, they provide great freedom for the audience to actively engage in perceiving the works and employing their imagination. As an admirer of the Gutai masters such as Takesada Matsutani and Atsuko Tanaka, Meguru Yamaguchi transforms his experiences of living and working in New York as a Japanese artist into highly sculptural mixed-media paintings.


All the artists‘ works reflect their ways of living and how they seek sanctuary through art. Each brush stroke and carving contribute to creating their narrative compositions, whilst the labour intensive actions allow the artists to contemplate their lives and surroundings.