Alejandro Acosta, Stasis
Alejandro Acosta, Z
Alejandro Acosta, Nighthawks
Alejandro Acosta, Mundo Imagen
Deborah Brown, Signs of Spring
Deborah Brown, Red Heart
Howard Fonda, Untitled (crow, greater green snake, tiger, red billed blue magpie, silver oriole)
Howard Fonda, Untitled (black-hooded oriole, crow, gibbon)
Howard Fonda, Untitled (Chinese grosbeak, crow, clouded leopard, Rhesus macaque, reed bunting)
Florence Hutchings, Living Room (Pink Chairs)
Florence Hutchings, Family around the Table
Liz Markus, TRex 15
Liz Markus, TRex 14
Kayla Mattes, Brioche
Kayla Mattes, Copycat
Kayla Mattes, Pumpernickeled
Kayla Mattes, DOOMSCROLL
Kayla Mattes, Situation Normal, All f* ked up
Margaux Valengin, Flowback
Margaux Valengin, Round Through
Ben Sanders, Siren XVIII (Birth)
Ben Sanders, Siren(Day & Night)
Ben Sanders, Siren XVII
Ben Sanders, Siren XV
Ben Sanders, Red Sentinel
Ben Sanders, Visitor II
Ben Sanders, Magnet III
Ben Sanders, First Atom
Emma Stone-Johnson, Smooth Medallion
Emma Stone-Johnson, Letter to Sepia
Emma Stone-Johnson, Plunge
Emma Stone-Johnson, Sun Seeds
David Brian Smith, Great Expectations – Five Trees
Guy Yanai, On the Way to Rennes
Guy Yanai, Salina Door
Guy Yanai, Ariel’s Flowers
On the Voyage
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